What is Digital Diamonds?

Digital Diamonds is an audio netlabel focusing on high-quality electronic music. Featuring both, newcomers and well-known artists, Digital Diamonds offers psychedelic techno and progressive music with soul.

We are Digital Diamonds - PURE PSYCHEDELIC TECHNO

Do you know how this sound came to be? We know! Because we brought it to the world. We are DIGITAL DIAMONDS. A record label built on PURE PSYCHEDELIC TECHNO. Sharing music without barriers since 2006. Dedicated to music that stands out. Newest producers, acclaimed names, all freely available. Instant download. No signup.

Something about history

In October 2006 the guys from Alic had an idea to found a label. Not any kind of label, but a label with its own exquisit approach and sophisticated identity. Digital Diamonds was born.

During a big shift in music consumption and distribution to the digital realm they realised the importance of embracing this new direction in the industry. The internet gave them the ultimate basis for connecting with music lovers around the world. Starting a virtual label was a big step in the right direction.

To spread their reach and to give young and talented musicans a professional platform, they decided to offer all of their music cost-free via the Creative Commons Licence on their website. Digital Diamonds has since clocked over 1,000,000 downloads with their release catalogue stretching over hand-selected EPs, albums and compilations.

In 2011, Digital Diamonds upped their game with their first label party in Kiel (GER), followed by regular label showcases in Lisbon (PRT), legendary parties at Club Charlotte in Münster (GER), a showcase at Lost Theory Festival and a 10 year anniversary party in Berlin. There‘ll be more label events to come, be it club nights or open-air festivals.

Now, after more than ten years, Digital Diamonds keeps intensifying the quality level. The carefully selected releases, strong artist community, reliable crew and supportive fan-base have shaped Digital Diamonds into an unstoppable underground force.

Digital Diamonds club / festival showcases

Clubs and promoters: We are offering Digital Diamonds club / festival showcases. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us here.


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(c) 2006-2024 by Digital Diamonds Netlabel | Imprint & Disclaimer | Privacy Statement | All releases using CreativeCommons 3.0 by-nc-nd Licence